Wednesday 29 May 2013

The Great Return

After several years of fans wanting to hear more from the Bluth family the latest series finally aired on...Netflix?

That's right, the streaming giants released the full series for fans to stream resulting in many going into hibernation to digest the first new episodes in seven years. And the reaction? Decidedly mixed.

Personally speaking I, as of writing, have only seen two episodes so can't comment on the overall series but have to say that I can see why people may be underwhelmed.  Please do not misunderstand me, I am not saying I haven't enjoyed the episodes, far from it, however the latest series is easing us in gently with the first story letting us know Michael and George Michaels story, the second letting us catch up with
Lucille and George Snr.

For me the beauty of the show is in the family interaction so having these individual storylines to kick off we miss that. I do appreciate the fact that there is a lot of back ground information to be filled in and this is why I will reserve my judgement for now.

Netflix itself is pinning alot on this series and is hoping to attract more people to its site with it. I think they will reach a wider audience and it is up to them to provide the content to keep people subscribed. For me, where Netflix lags behind the likes of LoveFilm is in the ovie choice however the choice of TV series available more than makes up for it.

I will get back to the series and let you all know what I think when I am finished. Whether this is a stroke of genius from Netflix or a mere illusion to trick us into subscribing is yet to be determined but it looks as if the future of our viewing could well be shaped by the success or failure of this.

The Future of TV

I remember having a wood panel effect TV, one of those big boxy things. These days they are aout as thick as a credit card and with a picture so crisp it could be a window. But what did we see for the future of TV just a few decades ago?

The 60's, 70's and 80's saw some interesting designs that were an attempt to thrust us into the future. Now they look like props from an old Star Trek episode but they do have some retro charm and I am sure we will see a fashion where these kind of items make a return.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Dr Who, What Where and When?

 WARNING: This article may contain spoilers for those not up to date with the latest Series of Doctor Who.

I am sure many of you will be excited at the prospect of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary episode. The end of the last episode gave us a small insight into what we have in store and what an insight it was.

We already know the current Doctor, Matt Smith and his predecessor David Tennent will star but now we know the name of another star, a previous Doctor nobody knew about...John Hurt.

It is alleged that he will be playing the Doctors secret. A previous incarnation that commited some deed so terrible that he has been wiped from the memory of all but the Doctor, are these just rumours? Who knows but the intricate plot that writer Steven Moffat will have fans guessing until the episode airs on November 23rd of this year.

Drac's Back

In an age where our Vampires are delivered to us as sullen teenagers that would be more suited to Dawsons Creek than Transylvania we have hope with the new NBC series, Dracula.

To call it a new dawn for Vampires would be somewhat ironic but judging by the advert we might see a return to the traditional vampire that we all know and love.

Starring Jonathon Rhys Meyers (The Tudors) and Nonso Anozie (Cass) the drama set in Victorian England is sure to capture the interest of Vampire fans who were left decidedly underwhelmed by the like of The Twighlight saga and The Vampire Diaries.

Here is a clip for you to make up your own mind.

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